Proposed tax on single-use plastics could boost compostable packaging Chancellor announces possible tax on single-use plastics This new levy could accelerate the search for better alternatives Materials certified as “compostable” can harmlessly decompose in industr...
Posted: 19 December, 2017
BSI consults on revision of the compost quality standard British Standards Institution (BSI) has opened a Public Consultation on the revision of the compost quality standard PAS 100 The Compost Certification Scheme had consulted with stakeholders including compost producers, custome...
Posted: 18 December, 2017
Biofertiliser Certification Scheme reports record membership at the end of its tenth year The Biofertiliser Certification Scheme is available to assure the safety and quality of digestate and assist operators in raising their profile within the environment sector The Scheme was set ...
Posted: 6 December, 2017
Renewable Energy Assurance Ltd (REAL) is currently looking to hire an individual to fill a new and exciting position as Technical Manager for the Compost and Biofertiliser Certification Schemes...
Posted: 25 October, 2017