Merry Christmas!Our virtual offices will be closed from Wednesday, 23 December and will be re-opening on Monday, 4 January. We won’t be able to answer the telephone while our offices are closed but you can leave us a voicemail on 020 7981 0850 or send us an email to
Posted: 22 December, 2020
The Electric Vehicle Consumer Code for Home Chargepoints (EVCC) has opened its doors to electric vehicle charge point manufacturers, energy suppliers, and other ‘affiliates’ who are exposed to the installation market...
Posted: 3 November, 2020
• New service delivered by Renewable Energy Assurance Ltd in partnership with the REA to support uptake of roaming • EV Roam to provide identification codes for companies in the EV charging ecosystem in line with international standards • Roaming crucial for mass upt...
Posted: 7 October, 2020